Digital VS Analog

In the beginning, there were only rocks and walls of the caves. The appearance of clay and wooden pads made humans’ art portable. A metal point, papyrus were creating quite a big revolution in a daily life. The tools were constantly changing and improving. Revolutionary innovation of a ballpoint pen in the XX-th century helped to replace old inc pens. Now we cannot even think of getting back to the clay pads. Would it be possible that earlier or later digital art will completely replace the paper – color old style way of analog? If we look back, no matter what people started to use during their daily life, they keep coming back to authentic tools to be able to express themselves.

What are the advantages of the new digital era which doesn’t even last a century yet? Of course, it is easy to share your artwork, while you don’t need to send a courier which might take weeks and month to get it delivered. Owning a PC with a drawing platform gives you plenty of tools, you don’t need any more to mix different powders to get certain colors. And if you need to fix a small or even big part of your drawing, you just select the area and scale it down, rotate, change the contrast, and on paper, it would have taken hours and days to redo it. In a practical way, digital way definitely wins with the broad possibilities. But from the other side, how nice is to see every single brush stroke of the oil paint, the response of the paper to the watercolors, usage of the different painting techniques with colors. There is the reason the human-made paintings are sold for thousands of euros. Or when the kid would bring you’re a present of a self-made painting, would be completely different if he just prints out his Paint drawing. I would say that digital drawing definitely will have a big usage nowadays and will be used by lots of industries, but there always would be a place for analog drawing.
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